Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yeah, I'm a pajama blogger. :)

This week is going by quickly...which is good. I'm looking forward to May 31st, because I'm pretty broke. Actually, dangerously broke. I overdrew my account, but, amazingly enough I put the $12 of change from last semester in my checking account today while I was still in the grace period of that. whew. that was too close of a call. I need to keep better track of my money this summer, and budget. oy.

I'm feeling a lot better about life. I must just have had a bad day? I don't know. It's been rainy here so I blame my mood on that...

I'm going to stay in my design classes next semester, as planned, and see what I think. If they work out, great, I'll be able to work French in too. If they don't, I get to load my schedule with electives because I'm still sticking around for two more years, due to class requirements changing on me.

In the meantime, I need to practice les Francais. Beaucoup. Basically not taking it a semester really makes me rusty on verb tenses and conjugating is difficult! C'est vrai. I have a workbook I can work on though. I'm adding this to the things I want to accomplish this summer, including tackling a large reading list. Yay for public libraries. I have already placed holds on 4 or so different books. I really want to read Orthodoxy, by G.K. Chesterton.

Tmatt, you're out there, what is a "must-read" book?

I'm on a reading kick now, since I have some free time outside of work. :)

1 comment:

Jana said...

TMatt's out there, but so am I.


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Reaching for the Invisible God by Philip Yancey

God's Politics by Jim Wallis

Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner

For the Time Being by Annie Dillard

Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangaremba

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Plan B by Anne Lamott

A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren

anything by Donald Miller (I feel like you've read some of his, though) or Philip Yancey.

as I think of others, I'll let you know...

talk to you soon! Love you!