Friday, June 15, 2007

I see a little silhouetto of a man...

tonight I listened to Queen's greatest hits on the drive home. I don't know what it is about them, but I love it.

today was really good. work=good.

at lunch I headed over to Applebees and into an interview. I was expecting it to be more casual and just one on one but the managing editor ended up bringing the news editor and it was more of an interview. boy am I glad that I brought my resume, references, samples.
the only question that I didn't know how to answer is what %age of my work was edited last semester.

I think it's funny that so far, in talking with journalists, and also talking with editors, I get the question of "why do you want to go into this field?" I always say something about how I like writing, talking to people, and I'm nosy and like getting to the bottom of things. I think that answer was satisfactory--they liked my samples and...

I got a job! that pays! my first newspaper job. super-exciting! I'm going to cover hard news stories like city council/school board news for two cities. Both are a part of a 'family' of papers--that is that they both operate out of one building but cover two towns. kinda like the Current Newspapers in DC.

The editors told me I should get in contact with various heads of my city's politics--city admin., police chief, school board superintendent, and he listed off the names and most of them I've known since I was a kid. That's a really cool thing, I think. I'm psyched. It's cool to cover *my* hometown.

and SOAR went swimmingly. Most of the freshmen overcame their first challenge at MNU--opening their mailboxes. it reminds me of my freshman year. I couldn't open my box the first time I took a bit to get it. I helped setup/teardown/route people to the correct food line/sliced pie/ate said pie and it was good. I think it's funny how the parent's had a Q&A session and a Q that was asked was about should students buy books online. they said that it can be a hassle to do so and may be more expensive if you get the wrong edition, etc, and I had to think to myself, only Freshman buy books at the bookstore. after they try to sell their books back at the end of first semester, unsuccessfully, (because there are 500 other freshmen taking Old Testament and New Testament and they don't buy back every book) they'll be jaded for the rest of their student career. (or at least I was)
well I should go. goodnight. tomorrow I help at 8am. yikes. I will need to get some coffee somewhere. maybe the new quicktrip! :)


1 comment:

Jana said...

Cool, girl! Sounds perfect for you!!!