Sunday, December 16, 2007

finals week...

and I'm almost done!
only two more:
-journalism editing (tomorrow)
-advanced pub speaking (tuesday)

and then I'm off to Kansas!

But anyways. I'm plotting an 'unpacking' blog sometime in the near future...both mentally unpacking the past year and also the past's been a crazy year but such is life.

I'm so ready for this semester to be over with and to be at home! I'm missing the JoCo and am sad that our break is only two and a half weeks. MNU's is a month. That sucks.

But anywho. I'm ready for a change of pace for a bit, Christmas, home, friends, family, etc.

so yeah. I'm pretty much boring and procrastinating right now. so I should probably stop typing now. haha.
tout a l'heure.

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