Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So...life...is boring. But, some good things are going on. I've been able to see friends marry. I've been picking up hours at the post office for the past two weeks. I've been getting back into the Word. I've been running more. I've been living online a lot less--I've cut back on AIM and have stopped posting on another blog daily.

I'm seeing room for improvement and taking all this time on my hands and figuring maybe I can put it to good use.

I started Media Theory last week. I wish I had taken it last Fall...it seems like a subject that would be better studied with group discussion. Shoot. Oh well. Three more tests and a research paper.

While it's not fun being at home all the time...maybe it's for the best, financially. Currently, I am still completely and utterly broke. The movie theater never called me back to come in and sign things. I'm calling tomorrow.

So...that's all, I guess...

1 comment:

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Hi Jessica. Just found your blog and wanted to say I enjoyed reading your posts. You also have great inspirational quotes.

Also wanted to wish you the best with your running--that you get the fitness and enjoyment from it that you're seeking.

I'm a running enthusiast and just like to encourage runners, so keep up your good running, posting, and good luck with your job.
