Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mamma Mia...Here I go again

Hello. It's been awhile. Nothing much has happened since I've written last--just working at the post office and at the newspaper. All the articles I've been working on will be wrapped up tomorrow. Woot. Then life will be boring again.

Wednesday I've got an election worker training course and Aug. 5 I'll be working the election. That is pretty exciting. I'm sort of saddened that there is a new JoCo Election Commissioner. In high school, I volunteered to work the '04 primary and presidential elections and the woman who led the training sessions--Connie Schmidt--was a really nice lady. I actually interviewed her for one of my first newspaper stories. It was cool to do a story outside of school and act as and be treated like a professional journalist.

Otherwise...I'm just waiting around for August. Then all the really exciting things are happening: my 21st birthday (the 6th), friends from MNU returning to the area, going to Indiana to visit family and then going to school and starting a new year. I'll be seeing friends from last year and meeting loads of new freshman.

This is my last year. It's simultaneously weird and scary and exciting.

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