Wednesday, June 20, 2007

are you looking for an answer? because I could really use a friend tonight...

xanga is down. so I'll write here. I went to a city council meeting to observe and was really really surprised with how quickly it went. It was no longer than 50 minutes. In DC, at ANC meetings the minimum is 2 yeah. apparently there weren't any super-controversial things going on that would warrant a longer meeting. I'm kinda nervous about covering the meeting next week, but I know it will go well. I do need to buy a voice recorder, though. My old one sort of died...

my friend Leslie moved this week, which is really sad. She is now in Oklahoma for her newspaper job. I'm kinda sad that I won't be able to have adventures with her for awhile. I am really thankful that I've really gotten to hang out with her and get to know her better since Freshman year. She was my producer in TV class, and then we went to Europe and had our 'getting separated from the group' in Paris fun.

That was, hands-down, the craziest day of my life, that day in Paris. Luckily, given my map and metro skills, we weren't lost, just separated. That happened because we were taking pictures (against the rules, we were sneaky) in Sacre Coeur. We tried to find everyone, but didn't find them in Monmartre, so we went out to find the Moulin Rouge, and headed over to the Louvre and somehow managed to meet up with everyone else in the group there. Then we did a quick tour, left, ran into some extremely sloshed British Arsenal fans near our hotel near the Gare Du Nord (they came directly from the chunnel to the first bar they found and started drinking and cheering...) and the rest is history. :)

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