Friday, June 29, 2007

just another day in paradise

hola. how is it June 29th already?! I would like to know...

my life is becoming a blur of work. which I don't mind. it's better than the alternative--not making any money and being a couch potato. I'm kinda nervous, though, because my boss is pretty much taking off all of July and I'm his stand-in. I know all of the opening/closing duties, and how to work the register, but I'm a little bit phased by the immensity and complexity of the UPS/USPS system and every type of mailings they entail. Media mail? Library Mail? First Class? Flat? Parcel? International? (Actually, I do know what these entail, just pointing out all of the different rates!)

But I do get an underling to help during this time, which is fun. Melissa was in a lot of my classes freshmen year and she'll be fun to work with. I get to train her next week.

I covered my first city council meeting last night, which was kind of exciting. I sat in a chair with a "Press Only" sign on it, met with members, and got to look important. I felt a bit underdressed, as most people in the room were in suits, and I was in a shirt (not screen printed, just plain pink) and jeans. I should ask my editor their dress code be sure that jeans are okay or if they are just too unprofessional.

So I'm taking a break from writing the story right now, and I'm halfway through. It's going quite well actually. A lot of the background is in the agenda, which is immensely helpful for setting up context for what happened in the case of something that was denied. Although I was originally horrified by the 200-page document, now it is a great tool.

On another note, I am looking into something big for next year. I know it will be difficult to possibly be going in another direction, but I think it would be great to learn more about something I'd like to do. I know that is incredibly vague...but just pray for me as I make some decisions coming up. There are some people I'd like to get in touch with regarding this, but they all seem to be out of the country at the moment...or just out of reach of the internet/cell phone towers.

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