Saturday, July 7, 2007

[Summer in the city, I'm so lonely, lonely, lonely...]

I hope Frank from is still alive. he's not updated the site in nearly two weeks. hm. tres etrange.

like my facebook status says, I am missing interaction with people other than my fam and people I work with. but seriously. I always feel like I'm the loser with no plans. Ever.
I have no social life.

anyways. my birthday is in less than a month. that is mildly exciting, but I'm sure it won't be anything too special.

harry potter #5 is coming out this week. that is really exciting. I'm going to avoid the theater like the plague until the weekend, then go to a late showing. then the book comes out the following week. I pre-ordered it awhile ago.

basically nothing new to update besides that...I've gotten a few articles published in the paper. This week I've got two stories due Tues.-one a school board meeting, my first-and I'm covering a city council meeting Thurs. then I'm doing the 8-4:30 thing every day also, but life at MNU is not very exciting right now. most of the departments are closed.

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