Friday, May 23, 2008

I got the WalMart job. I'm hoping enthusiasm and optimism can balance out the negatives of working with people--namely extremely mean or rude people. We'll see. At the least, it's less than three months. At the most, it pays decently and I'll have a regular job. Two pluses. I was really glad to hear from my boss at MNU that he could use me for a few shifts here and there. It equals about 2 weeks so that is great.

I still feel like I should be working on my writing though. I have to make the most out of the few stories I'll be getting at the end of the summer at the county fair.

On the topic of my reading list, or the deviation from it, I finished The Chronicles of Narnia this week. I really liked the series, and re-reading it.

Now I'm going to read a magazine and go to of my roommates from freshman year is getting married tomorrow. Wow. Of my group of friends from that year, two are married (after Amy gets married tomorrow) and one is seriously dating. And a work in progress? I don't know. I don't forsee marriage anytime soon in my future and am coming to terms with that...well, at least I've been working on being happy for where I am, rather than where I am not.


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