Sunday, November 9, 2008

I never loved nobody fully, always one foot on the ground...

My roommate pointed out to me today that I have not blogged in awhile. Part of this is because life has been insane in the last month.

For the past three weeks I've been booked solid, it seems. First was the week of the Homecoming issue (16-pager, a break from the usual 12 page paper).

Second came the week in which every minute of my life was taken by an extracurricular activity: Commies in Costume, ASC goes to the president's home, and the Candy and Costume Fest. Not to discount any of those activities--they were all great and are responsibilities I've taken on by being a part of student government and Lambda Pi Eta, the Comm. dept honor society.

But the one thing I've been really struggling with is keeping up with school. I've been putting so much effort into the GG that I find myself burned out on working on school work. I've put off my senior speech (which I'm just now catching up on) and have had to do a major time out on somethings so I can get that done. Life moves at breakneck-pace...and sometimes I wish it would just pause for a second. Unfortunately, unlike McCain's "timeout" for the economy, life doesn't work that way.

This past week has been especially rough. I found out that I'm not doing well academically (not really a revelation or anything) but I still have a lot of reasons to hope: major assignments due at the end of the semester will be my lifesaver I believe. Except I still have so much to do on some.

I told my News Editor Tracey that I feel this semester my classes are exceptionally needy--for one I have to devote a lot of time to collecting and editing audio and writing the story around it, for another I have made countless trips to county government buildings to FOIA things and request tax documents for random businesses, and for another I have a test/quiz/large chapter to read and journal on each week. On top of the stress of senior speeches. Last week I felt very in over my head, that's for sure.

So yeah. No new revelations for Mallo if she's reading this now, but for others who might care, this is life. Little sleep. Lots of work. Lots of freaking out. Not exactly the senior year I had imagined, so hopefully next semester is better. I think it will be.

Should go.

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